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Tebow on Kiffin: ‘He doesn’t know what he’s talking about’

There are a lot of things Tim Tebow will tolerate.

Fan insults, especially on the road. Fans drunk dialing his cell phone. Questions about his virginity. You know, the normal, everyday stuff.

But one thing the Florida quarterback won’t stand for is someone wrongfully attacking his head coach.

As has been repeated ad nauseam, Tennessee’s Lane Kiffin accused Urban Meyer of cheating in the recruitment of a player both of the schools were going after. Kiffin was wrong, he was chastised by the SEC and ultimately offered up an apology to both Meyer and the school.

The accusations, though, didn’t seem to sit well with St. Timothy.

I don’t like anyone talking about coach Meyer,” Tebow said. “I’ll always have coach Meyer’s back in anything...Coach Meyer doesn’t cheat. He does the right thing. When people say something against him, I’ll say that’s not true. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

Tebow then added that the remarks were “not a big deal”, and that the Georgia celebration two years ago was more offensive than anything Kiffin has uttered. (Writer’s note: so far.)

At least one of Tebow’s teammates, though, may disagree with his “not a big deal” description.