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Mizzou deadline for loyalty expression now June 17

It was widely reported last Friday that Nebraska and Missouri had been given a deadline of Friday, June 11, to declare to declare their undying loyalty, love and affection for the Big 12 conference.

According to a report on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch‘s website, they will have nearly a week longer to mull over their options.

Citing a source familiar with the matter, the Post-Dispatch reports that Mizzou has been given a deadline of June 17 by the conference to state its loyalty.

Dave Matter of the Columbia Daily Tribune tweeted earlier Tuesday afternoon that he "[s]poke to an attorney who specializes in sports law/contracts. Mizzou’s best move might be to ignore ultimatum.”

If Missouri or, to a greater extent, Nebraska decline to pinky swear their allegiance by the drop-dead date -- presumably the same for both schools -- it’s believed six schools from the conference -- Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State and Colorado/Baylor -- would likely leave for the Pac-10 if that conference extends invitations, which could come as early this week.

Missouri’s board of curators has regularly-scheduled meetings this Thursday and Friday, although it’s unknown whether expansion will be on the agenda.

Just a guess, but I think that issue might take up a little bit of their time.