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Attorney: Mike Leach-to-New Mexico rumors untrue

Apparently, reports surfaced in Albuquerque Wednesday that current head coach Mike Locksley would be replaced after an Oct. 9 game against New Mexico State. That’s not the biggest nugget to come out of the reports/rumors, however

According to a television station in the city, and citing unnamed sources, Locksley will be fired and replaced with former Texas Tech head coach Mike Leach.

(Writer’s note: no offense to the Lobos in the audience, but New Mexico? Really?)

Ted Liggett has been Leach’s attorney for over 12 years, and is representing the coach in his lawsuit against Texas Tech. CFT spoke to Liggett just a short time ago, and, after mentioning “Area 51" and “telepathy with extraterrestrials”, he denied in no uncertain terms every aspect of the report/rumors.

“There is zero truth to these reports. None. You can quote me on that,” the Lubbock-based attorney said. “There have been no discussions with anyone [regarding potential future openings] as far as I know. And I would know.”

The phone conversation with CFT was the first Liggett had heard of the speculation connecting his client to New Mexico.

Liggett said he spoke to Leach’s agent, IMG’s Gary O’Hagan, earlier today and there was no talk of New Mexico or any other school for that matter. “That’s something that would’ve come up in the conversation,” Liggett chuckled.

A voicemail was left for O’Hagan seeking comment, but has not yet been returned. An email sent to New Mexico seeking comment has yet to be answered as well.

Leach was fired by Texas Tech in late December for the alleged “mistreatment” of one of his players, who just happened to be the son of one of the more nausea-inducing prominent college football analysts on ESPN.