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Kansas Jayhawk massacre = hot seat for Gill

Sure, it’s only his first year, but Kansas coach Turner Gill is already causing some second-guessing in and around the greater Lawrence area.

Mainly, a 2-4 record and a helluva thrashing by in-state rival Kansas State (who turned the corner on their own thrashing a week ago at the hands of almighty Nebraska) Thursday night has given the Rock Chalk faithful a reason to sweat.

The 59-7 debacle is just the latest installment to a rough first year for Gill, who has already recorded losses to Southern Miss (ROFL), North Dakota State (ROFLCOPTER!!1!!1) and Baylor (meh).

The Jayhawks continue to be awful on defense and lack consistency in, well, just about everything else. Gill’s offense put up decent yardage, but a lethal combination of turnovers and penalties kept the Jayhawks from producing on the scoreboard.

With an Orange Bowl victory over Virginia Tech in 2008, success is not a distant memory for Kansas, who will certainly expect more from their now toasty-seated head coach.