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Academic issues force RB Mack to leave UVA

This has not been the best of weeks thus far for the Virginia football program.

First, head coach Mike London indefinitely suspended three players Tuesday for conduct detrimental to the team. Now comes word that one player has decided to abruptly leave the program.

According to the Cavalier Daily, the student newspaper, running back Torrey Mack is no longer enrolled at the University and is thus no longer a member of the team. A source with knowledge pf the situation told the paper that academic issues were the motivator behind Mack’s departure.

A school spokesperson confirmed to the Washington Post that Mack is not in school this semester.

Mack was expected to be one of the prime contenders to take over for Keith Payne, 2010’s leading rusher whose eligibility expired. Last season, Mack rushed for 72 yards on 19 carries.