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Updated: WVU reportedly on the cusp of canning Stewart

It’s already been a turbulent week for the West Virginia program with the rumors that current coach Bill Stewart asked former Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reporter Colin Dunlap to “dig up dirt” on new offensive coordinator and head-coach-in-waiting Dana Holgorsen.

Now, it appears, provided the following story is true, that the well-documented awkward situation has reached a head.

According to a Sporting News report citing a source close to the situation, WVU is negotiating a buyout for Stewart’s contract and immediately bumping Holgorsen into the head coaching position.

Multiple sources have given CFT conflicting reports, although a very reliable source said Stewart’s attorney would not confirm internal restructuring.

When reached by text message, WVU athletic director Oliver Luck said he could not comment.

Dave Hickman of the Charleston Gazette appeared on College Football Live today and says he’s spoken to Luck every day this week. Hickman said Luck has been mum on the situation after appearing on a Pittsburgh radio show confirming there was “a little bit of drama” internally.

Also, for what it’s worth, Luck will be going on vacation after this week. You can put two and two together on that one.

Holgorsen, booted from a casino late last month for indecent behavior, has been accused of having several run-ins at multiple establishments while intoxicated. WVU later debunked those accusations, but rumors began circulating that it was Stewart and/or his wife, Karen, who were involved in the process of making Holgorsen’s personal life public.

UPDATED 10:20 p.m. ET: Stewart’s attorney, David Hendrickson, has gone on the record to say he does not know of any contract negotiations with his client.

There have been no negotiations,’' Hendrickson told the Charleston Gazette Thursday evening. “I haven’t heard from the athletic department today.’'

However, another source reportedly close to the situation went on the record to say “I think you all know where this is headed.’'