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TMZ catches USC running back Marc Tyler having a, um, ‘good time’

We’ve been called the TMZ of college football before here at CFT. And, I suppose in some ways, that’s true. Although I am pleased to announce that we’ve yet to have a Miley Cyrus reference on here (until now).

However, it appears USC running back Marc Tyler has successfully crossed over into the mainstream tabloids by actually landing his face on TMZ’s website, and as you could imagine, the results aren’t good. Tyler makes references to “gettin’ Kim Kardashian” and athletes making more money at USC than in the pros.

A friend then interjected with “That’s a joke”, but the damage was done.

To view the semi-grainy, fully-inappropriate and annoyingly commentated video, click HERE.

The site claims Tyler is intoxicated; we’ll let you be the judge of that. But it’s not important if Tyler was drunk or not. What Tyler said wasn’t even the worst part. It’s where he said it: in front of the camera.

Athletes need to constantly remember that media platforms have changed dramatically, and everything they say and do is monitored with incredible scrutiny.

On top of it all, Tyler is still waiting to hear the disciplinary results following a pair of off-the-field incidents this past spring.

This could add to that forthcoming discipline, which could very well be more severe now.

(Thanks to the Orange County Register for the tip-off)