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Jerry Sandusky issues request to see his grandchildren

Former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky, currently under house arrest as he awaits trial for over 50 counts of child sex abuse, will ask a judge if he can regain contact with his grandchildren, the Harrisburg Patriot-News reports.

As part of his bail, Sandusky is out of jail and on house arrest. However, he cannot have any contact with children, including family members. Sandusky has a hearing scheduled on Feb. 10 to ask a judge to reverse that portion of the agreement.

According to the request obtained by the Patriot-News, Sandusky claims many of his 11 grandchildren are sad that they cannot communicate with him. He asks that he be allowed to visit with his grandchildren at his college township, provided a parent is present, and that he be allowed to talk, text and Skype with the children.

Sandusky is also asking that friends be allowed to visit him in his home. The only other instance where Sandusky requests to leave the confines of his home is to visit his attorney and private investigators.

Keep in mind that last year Sandusky’s attorney, Joe Amdendola, said that one of two new cases of sexual abuse involving his client included a member of Sandusky’s family. It is unclear if those investigations have led to any additional charges.