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NCAA clears war vet to walk on at Clemson

You know, the NCAA is an easy target for criticism -- and, to a large degree, they deserve every bit of it slung their way -- but I’ll be damned if they didn’t get it 100 percent right this time.

Back over Memorial Day weekend, John filled y’all in on Daniel Rodriguez, a member of the United States Army since 2007 and veteran of tours in both Afghanistan and Iraq, who planned to walk on at Clemson as a slot receiver. Rodriguez was awaiting clearance from the NCAA so that he would be eligible to play in 2012.

Fortunately, and wisely on the NCAA’s part, Rodriguez has indeed been given the thumbs up from the Association to compete for a roster spot this fall. Because he is going to school on the G.I. Bill, Rodriguez is not on scholarship.

You can read the whole story at It’s beyond uplifting, and frankly, a refreshing change of pace given the amount of arrests in the headlines over the past several hours.

Congratulations to Daniel, who has more than earned his opportunity to pursue his dream of playing collegiate football after all that he has sacrificed for this country.

(Photo credit: Daniel Rodriguez)