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LSU to proceed as planned with opener

Unlike some other schools in the state of Louisiana, No. 3 LSU will be good to go for its season opener Saturday evening.

After some uncertainty in the days since Hurricane Isaac ravaged the Gulf Coast, including as late as this morning, the Tigers announced Thursday that the game vs. North Texas in baton Rouge in will be played as scheduled at 7 p.m. ET.

The fact that the open dates for the two schools don’t coincide -- LSU’s is Oct. 27, North Texas’ the 13th of the same month -- played a role in the decision, as did Tiger Stadium sustaining very little damage.

“Our options are limited as far as opportunities to play this game and there was minimal damage to the stadium, so we are proceeding with the season opener on Saturday night,” Alleva said in a statement. “We understand there are portions of the state that are still recovering from the storm and there may be some fans that cannot, for various reasons, make it to Tiger Stadium.

“We wish those people and everyone adversely affected by the storm our best wishes for a full recovery.”

The release added that the damage to the stadium was essentially limited to water damage to the press box and some areas of the Stadium Club, all of which can be restored by game time on Saturday.