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UCLA’s starting LB back at practice, should play against Cal

Injuries from an unfortunate scooter accident sidelined UCLA linebacker Jordan Zumwalt for last Saturday’s game against Colorado. It should not, however, keep him from playing this weekend against Cal.

Zumwalt needed “about 150 stitches” to close a gash over his eye, which meant he was unable to put a helmet on comfortably last week. Though he’s not cleared for contact yet, Zumwalt expects he will be later this week.

“It felt good to put the helmet on,” Zumwalt said via the LA Times. “They didn’t clear me for contact. I will be.”

Zumwalt said he was riding back to his apartment last week when he was struck by a car.

“I was going through a signal and some lady made a left in front of me and I T-boned her car,” Zumwalt said. “I went flying into her car, which is why my face took the brunt of it.

“We’re football players, and we always think we’re tough guys. I’ve been in games where I thought, ‘Wow, that was a hard hit.’ It’s pretty humbling to get hit by a car.”