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Video: Female Bama fan goes WWE on male Sooner fan

Other than a little context, this remarkably awesome video needs few words to describe it.

The Oklahoma-centric website retweeted a video Friday from its Twitter account that shows what’s purportedly an “incident” involving a female Alabama fan and a male Oklahoma fan in the Superdome stands during the Sooners’ Sugar Bowl win over the Tide.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, you can multiply that by a factor of 10 when it comes to this particular video. You can see the tension building between the two when, beginning around the 30-second mark and after a male Tide fan had initially removed the woman from what started as a verbal altercation, all hell came rolling down on the OU fan:

WWE Divas, there’s your next superstar.

The young man in the white polo shirt who was the target of the female’s bicycle kicks is allegedly Michael Connolly, an OU student who posted the following to his Twitter account shortly after the video began to go viral.

Roll damn Tide, y’all!