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Georgia QB Mason looks to honor Auburn’s Lutzenkirchen

Auburn is paying tribute to former tight end Philip Lutzenkirchen by having his old uniform number (No. 43) painted in the endzones on the practice field during fall camp. One of Lutzenkirchen’s former high school teammates, Georgia quarterback Hutson Mason, is also finding a way to pay tribute. Mason was seen wearing a pin with the number 43 on it while meeting with the media on Friday as fall camp opened up for the Bulldogs.

Mason and Lutzenkirchen were high school teammates at Lassiter High School in Atlanta and close friends. Mason, who served as a pall-bearer for Lutzenkirchen’s funeral, recalled his final phone conversation with Lutzenkirchen, who died in a car accident in June.

“Just looking back on that, it gives me chills,” Mason said to reporters. “To have that last conversation, it was kind of like his goodbye. It gives me a lot of peace because I know he’ll be watching over me.”

Auburn will certainly have some way of honoring Lutzenkirchen this season, and so to will Mason.

“I’m trying to come up with something out on field,” Mason shared. “It’s not going to be anything to take away from the team. I’ve talked about it with the equipment managers. Maybe something on my hat while I’m on the sideline or meeting with the media afterward.”

Helmet sticker to The Charlotte Observer.

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