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WVU’s Holgorsen says lying to recruits is part of the recruiting process

As college football fans we always assume the recruiting game involves some lies, fabrications and exaggerations when serving up those sales pitches to recruits taking a look at a college football program on a silver platter. Every coach probably bends the truth where they can while putting on a good face for the program and university. We accept it as a part of the process, but we rarely get a coach on the record admitting that is exactly what happens.

Enter West Virginia head coach Dana Holgorsen, who held nothing back today while talking to the media.

Dana Holgorsen: “You lie in recruiting a bunch. That’s just kind of part of it. You become a salesman.”

— Stephen J. Nesbitt (@stephenjnesbitt) August 11, 2014

Holgorsen is known to spit truth and tell it like it is, which is why he has my respect. This is no different from what we have come to expect from Holgorsen. Still, it may not be something the head coach of a program coming off its first losing season since 2001 may want to admit out in the open. But cover up those lies with flashy and stylish uniforms and all will be forgiven, right? That is what maters most in recruiting, it seems.

Never change, Holgo. Never change.

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