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Warning: Do NOT take Urban Meyer’s parking spot

When you’re a the head coach at an FBS program, especially one as successful as Urban Meyer, certain perks -- along with millions of dollars -- are part of the package deal.

One of those perks, of course, is parking spaces. Like the vast majority, if not all, of coaches at his level of college football, Meyer has a reserved parking spot.

Monday, someone, intentionally or not, decided to test just how reserved it is by parking in it. Meyer, meanwhile, took the most humorous and emphatic course of action possible -- outside of calling a tow truck, of course.

From the Twitter account of junior running back Warren Ball:

According to‘s Twitter account, the someone in question may very well be Jack Willoughby. In his first year with the Buckeyes, Willoughby is a kicker who transferred into OSU from Duke in mid-April.

Whether he survives this misstep to contribute this season remains to be seen.