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Jim Harbaugh “urges” President Obama to name Judge Judy to the Supreme Court

The hottest debate in American politics right now -- this side of Donald Trump, at least -- is what President Obama should do with the U.S. Supreme Court seat left behind by Antonin Scalia. Republicans think Obama should let it sit empty until after the new president is inaugurated. Democrats think he should move to fill the seat as soon as possible.

Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh has his own idea.

You probably know Judith Sheindlin by the name Judge Judy.

Yes, that Judge Judy.

Harbaugh is a massive fan. He said so himself.

Harbaugh event went as far as to take his father, Jack Harbaugh, to a “Judge Judy” taping in 2013.

It’s tempting to say Harbaugh typed that tweet with his tongue planted firmly in his cheek, but if the host of “The Apprentice” can be president, why can’t Judge Judy be on the Supreme Court?

(HT SB Nation)