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Tebow the twangy muse?

During his prolific and high-profile career at Florida, Tim Tebow has been called many different things.

Superman. St. Timothy. Football Jesus. The greatest player in the history of college football. Attention whore.

Now, you can add “muse” to the growing list of things Tebow has wrought -- good or bad -- on college football.

As you all remember, Tebow made an impassioned speech following the loss to Ole Miss last season -- “The Promise” -- which is now immortalized in inspirational fashion at the UF football facility for future generations of Gators to gaze upon with both reverence and a touch of inadequacy. Apparently, though, that inspiration is not strictly limited to football players who come through Gainesville.

According to the Florida Times-Union, country music singer -- what, were you expecting a death metal group? -- Timothy Craig has revamped a song he had previously written and tailored it around around the spirit of Tebow’s postgame speech. The song, “Not Done Yet”, is both an ode to the UF quarterback and a nod to himself for not giving up on his dream of becoming an artist in Nashville.

“It actually came out really fast, which was kind of crazy,” Craig said. “It came out in about an hour. All the signs kept saying to do this. Even getting in the studio to redo the verses. There was no signs or hurdles that I was wasting my time. I did it out of passion. I felt really driven to get this song done.”

Craig, who grew up a Gators fan in Fort Myers, originally wrote “Not Done Yet” for his 2008 album entitled “You Got it.” After UF’s loss to Ole Miss, Craig said he sent the album to UF coach Urban Meyer and wrote him a note telling him to check out track No. 8 - which was “Not Done Yet.”

Craig decided to re-record it about Tebow after he was watching the first college football games of the season on ESPN and saw Kenny Chesney’s recording of “This Is Our Moment.” Craig’s inspiration came when saw the issue of Sports Illustrated that came out after Tebow’s decision to return to Gainesville for his senior season. The headline on the front of the SI was “Not Done Yet.”

For those with an interest in the song, you can check out Craig’s MySpace page and listen to the Tebow-inspired ditty.

For those allergic to twang, though, I’d advise against clicking on the link.