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Be like all the cool kids, follow CFT on Twitter

As I sit here and wait -- and wait and wait and wait and wait -- for my lovely better half to make herself presentable enough so that we can -- f-i-n-a-l-l-y -- head out and enjoy a nice Mother’s Day meal, I was tooling around TweetDeck on the trusty iPhone in an attempt to kill some time.

And it was a worthwhile endeavor, to be honest. Mainly because I learned during said tooling that Tiger Woods “pulled out” of The Players Championship, which left me cackling like Beavis and/or Butthead for a solid thirty seconds.

To tell you the truth, it’s damn hard being a 12-year-old kid trapped in a 41-year-old adult’s body. It’s a curse, I guess.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, Twitter.

We haven’t really pimped our presence on this particular social media platform -- as evidenced by the paltry number of followers -- so I figured it would be a wise use of my time-killing efforts to pimp the CFT Twitter page, which can be found right HERE.

So... ummm... consider it pimped.

And follow us. Help us get to the 2K mark.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Finally, Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms who may come across this post. Without y’all, we wouldn’t be here. Literally.