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Arizona Attorney General asked to probe Fiesta Bowl campaign contributions

Following an Arizona Republic investigation this past December into claims that Fiesta Bowl employees past and present were “urged” to make contributions to political campaigns that were seen as favorable to the BcS bowl, the bowl launched an investigation into itself and -- surprise!!! -- found no “no credible evidence” of any wrongdoing.

In no way, shape or form did that satisfy Playoff PAC, “a federal political committee dedicated to establishing a competitive post-season championship for college football”. The PAC, the Republic writes, filed a written complaint with the Secretary of State’s office requesting that the state launch an investigation based on the newspaper’s findings.

The office complied with the PAC’s complaint, and the results of the subsequent investigation were sufficient enough to compel Secretary of State Ken Bennett to send a letter to Attorney General Terry Goddard requesting that his office conduct a criminal investigation into the bowl and the campaign contribution allegations.

At the heart of the matter is numerous past and current employees of Fiesta Bowl-related organizations being encouraged to write checks to political candidates, and were then reimbursed by the bowl. Such contributions, the Republic wrote, would violate state election laws and would be a Class 6 felony.

Wrote Bennett in his letter to Goddard, “After multiple interviews with current and former employees of Fiesta Events, a review of campaign-finance records (2000-present) and a thorough examination of materials provided by the organization, questions remain involving allegations that Fiesta Events reimbursed employees for political contributions.”

Fiesta Bowl Chairman Duane Woods told the paper he’s “disappointed because I just think it’s a waste of state resources and our time as well.”

(Tip O’ the Hat: Wiz of Odds)