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Spring classes, feeling in bicep the latest for Rutgers’ LeGrand

It’s been nearly 4 months since Rutgers defensive tackle Eric LeGrand suffered a horrific spinal cord injury that left the junior paralyzed from the neck down.

Every once and a while, a story pops up about his development, but by and large, his recovery efforts have hit the back burner.

But there continues to be heart-warming and encouraging news coming from the LeGrand story.

In an interview with John Haley of the New Jersey Star-Ledger, LeGrand says that he can feel the muscle in his bicep, and with progress, feels he will be able to eat on his own soon. He also says he is strong enough to cough on his own without the help of a machine.

LeGrand has also resumed his classwork at Rutgers. One night a week, he virtually attends a “Blacks in Economic Structures” course. Via computer, he can see the classroom and everyone can see him. He can also participate in class by speaking into the computer, where his voice projects into the classroom.

And, as always, LeGrand has a positive outlook on his situation.

LeGrand continues to make small steps toward recovery. For us looking on, he puts into perspective that there are more important things in life than the minuscule issues of college football.