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Sparty D-lineman inks up his disdain for Michigan

This just seems like a bad idea.

Michigan State has won the last three meetings against their in-state rival, Michigan, but it appears that Spartans defensive lineman Jerel Worthy is banking on beating the Wolverines at least two more times before he graduates.

Otherwise, the tattoo of a Spartan “conquering” a Wolverine on Worthy’s arm is going to look laughable.


“It was something that I just thought up,” Worthy told “I was thinking about getting a Spartans tattoo anyway. I threw a couple ideas up in the air and this is what we came up with.

“I was with some friends who play for Michigan. I have a lot of guys that I grew up with in the city of Dayton; I was with those guys. It was laughs and giggles. They actually thought it was pretty cool. My strength coach and the other coaches approved of it. I’m going to live with it and go with it.”

To each his own.

But what was MSU coach Mark Dantonio‘s response? Just make sure it’s covered up by a suit on game day.