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NCAA accepts Nebraska’s ‘punishment’ for textbook violation

Way back in July of last year, Nebraska self-reported a minor NCAA no-no for inadvertently allowing players to receive recommended course textbooks in addition to their required books.

I know, the horror.

As a result of this mishap, Nebraska notified the NCAA, placed itself on a two-year probation period and fined itself $28,000 -- the value of the recommended textbooks purchased between 2007-10.

Seven months later, the NCAA has decided the self-imposed penalties fit the crime, with the only other detail being that Nebraska will now pay $38,000 instead of $28,000 because the school says it shares culpability. That money will go to charity.

The amount of the, um, “benefit” was about $60 per athlete.

“We are pleased the NCAA chose to accept our self-imposed penalties without additional sanctions,” athletic director Tom Osborne said in a statement. “We are also pleased that the NCAA Committee on Infractions noted there was no intent to violate NCAA rules and no members of our coaching staffs were involved in the matter. We regret that this violation occurred.”