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Mo’ money, no problems: Diddy won’t face felony charges

In the end, it’s the ol’ Lt. Drebin. Move on, there’s nothing to see here.

Facing five felony charges, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office has decided against pursuing a felony case against Sean “Puffy” “Diddy” “P. Diddy” “et al” Combs for whatever role he played in an incident at the UCLA football complex last month. According to, Combs still has a minor legal hurdle to traverse, writing that "[h]is case has been referred to the City Attorney’s Office to decide on charging the rap mogul with a misdemeanor.”

Combs was involved in an altercation with a UCLA assistant, strength coach Sal Alosi, in the Bruins football offices June 22 and was ultimately arrested on multiple felony charges. The confrontation occurred after Combs’ son, UCLA defensive back Justin Combs, was kicked out of a workout session by Alosi earlier that day, then scurried home to complain to his famous father.

Combs, through a spokesperson, claimed “any actions taken by Mr. Combs were solely defensive in nature to protect himself and his son.” UCLA had preferred charges not being pursued from the beginning.

It was subsequently reported that Alosi had “shamed” the younger Combs for missing a February workout session by posting a photo of him sitting courtside at the NBA All-Star game while his teammates were working out.