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Clemson LB Ben Boulware drops ‘four fingers deep’ into title game discussion

This could go any number of ways, none of which is likely to end well.

In Clemson’s College Football Playoff semifinal win over Ohio State, Buckeyes running back Curtis Samuel had some very personal space very publicly violated by defensive lineman Christian Wilkins (pictured). Following the game, Wilkins apologized for an act that’s likely illegal in a handful, so to speak, of states.

“I was being silly, and I apologize for that,” Wilkins said by way of “It’s stuff you do when you’re competing, and I know that’s not a good look. I apologize for that, and I shook hands with him after the game. There was no hard feelings.”

Illegal touching on Clemson

— SB Nation GIF (@SBNationGIF) January 1, 2017

Wilkins was widely criticized for his public display of unwanted affection. Amidst the criticism, one of Wilkins’ defensive teammates, Ben Boulware, leaped to the lineman’s defense Wednesday morning with a rant that began and ended with the linebacker labeling those critics as having “never played football” or “losers who didn’t have any friends” while also introducing “four fingers deep” into the discussion.

Clemson’s Ben Boulware has thoughts on people ripping Christian Wilkins for, uh, grabbing a handful in the Fiesta Bowl.

— Brian Hamilton (@BrianHamiltonSI) January 4, 2017

I guess my biggest question coming out of all of this is that, at the end of the third quarter, would Clemson players holding up four fingers be an indication that the final quarter is looming or should Alabama consider it a not-so-subtle warning?