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New NCAA rule limits teams to using 20 headsets during a game

A new rule passed by the NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel is taking aim at the number of headsets a team can use during a game. On Friday, the NCAA announced the new limit of 20 headsets being used during a game. The rule was designed to provide structure on how many communications devices can be used at any one time.

According to the NCAA, a total of 15 headset communication devices can be used by members of a coaching staff, from head coaches to assistant coaches and graduate assistants. Four additional headsets can be used by players to communicate with coaches. The final communication device may be used by any non-coach on the staff, with the example provide suggesting a staffer charting plays.

Any headsets use don a sideline for medical purposes or game operations or any other non-game-related use may still be used by those who require the need for such communication. In addition, one communication technician in the team area and one more in the coaches’ booth may be allowed to monitor the coaching headsets to address any technical issues that may arise. None of these headsets count against the limit of 20 headsets for game day use.

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