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Jim Harbaugh confirms Barack Obama won’t be honorary captain at Michigan game this year

So much for that.

In mid-June, Jim Harbaugh stated that he and the football program would formally ask former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle to both serve as honorary captains at a Michigan game sometime in the future. Three months later, the Wolverines head coach confirmed that that sometime wouldn’t be in 2017.

“The President and the First Lady both were as gracious as they could be,” Harbaugh said in a radio interview by way of the Detroit News. “They worked very hard to try to come. They’re not going to be able to, unfortunately, make it this year.”

The key words there, though, are “this year” as Harbaugh added that “it’ll happen someday, I believe.”

Harbaugh and the Obamas do have a bit of “history” together.

Harbaugh got a shoutout from the former First Lady at a White House event in January of this year, while the coach implored her husband in March of last year to nominate Judge Judy to the United States Supreme Court. In late February of this year, Harbaugh publicly questioned current President Donald Trump‘s budget proposal that called for defunding of a program near and dear to his heart.